
Petzgram is a website that include information about the pets, pets care, mysteries of pets, wild animals and popular and unkown quotes of animals. Our theme is “every animal is a pet”. As a human we all have responsibility to care the animals. Animals are always helped to us sustain the world.

We sell high quality and safe pet toys after experiencing them in ourselves. 20% profit coming from the selling is going to our foster fund. It use to find the home to foster cat and dogs. After improving our website, we hope to start a non profit organization to care the animals around the sri lanka. Many dogs and cats dead in roads due to non owenership. So we try to find the real owner to foster animals.

According to our belief that every animal is pet, they all deserves a safe and loving home. If you are true animal lover, you can buy something and help to foster animals. So, using our knowledge and entrepreneur thinking we hope to achieve our target definitely.