How to manage your dog’s chewing habit at home


Puppies are adorable and bring joy to our lives. However, they can also be quite mischievous, especially when it comes to their chewing habits. Puppies will chew on anything in sight, such as plants, electric cords, furniture, and your brand-new $100 shoes. Puppies are notorious for their chewing habits, which can be destructive if left unchecked. They are very active and playful. They always try to play with others. Up to 5 months old, you should pay more attention to your puppy. In that period, they are attention seekers. Chewing is a natural behaviour for puppies and is essential for their development. It helps them to explore their environment and relieve stress. 

However, there are several ways to manage your puppy’s chewing habit and prevent damage to your home and belongings. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to manage your puppy’s chewing habit at home.

Things to consider

Keep inappropriate items out of your puppy’s reach. Puppies will chew on anything. Keep items such as shoes, clothes, and other household objects out of reach to prevent them from being destroyed.

Do not keep wire cords on the floor because puppies may bite wire cords when they are on the floor. Electric cords must be covered if the puppy can be easily reached. Electric cords are very dangerous to your puppy and also to you.

Household cleaning chemicals, pesticides, and other chemicals should be placed in your storeroom away from your living rooms, bedrooms, and dining rooms. Remove any kinds of chemicals from places that easily reach your puppy.

Puppies like to bite sofas and furniture. So you can protect your sofa from your puppy using a sofa cover or any other rubber coat, and also you can use barriers to reach the sofa. But it is difficult to protect. Because puppies are very active, and you cannot keep your eyes on your puppy always.

Sometimes puppies bite plants also. It also may be a problem because some plants are allergic to puppies.

Understand your dog’s behavior.

Normally puppies want to chew. They put everything in their mouths to learn about it, like small children. The reason behind the inappropriate chewing is teething. It is common to all the puppies. When teething starts, it is a very painful process. So they try to chew more and more.

Keep all objects of worth out of the pup’s way. Then praise the correct behavior. Nylon bones can be quite effective for the puppy’s chewing problem. It would be best if you used them from the outset, though. Otherwise, they get used to other bones, such as ham bones, and won’t use nylon. These bones look like a cord of rope and help the teeth stay clean.

Not only puppies, but adult dogs also engage in destructive chewing. There are many reasons for that.

Reasons for destructive chewing

  • Feel boring
  • Anxiety
  • Teething
  • Unavailability of appropriate chewing toys

Here are some tips for preventing destructive chewing

Supervise your puppy

When you are at home, keep your eyes on your puppy to prevent them from chewing on inappropriate items. If you see your puppy chewing on something, redirect their attention to an appropriate chew toy.

Redirect Unwanted Chewing

Even with the best management, your puppy may still try to chew on forbidden items. When this happens, it’s essential to redirect their behavior. You can do this by offering them an appropriate chew toy or by providing them with a distraction such as a game or a walk.

Provide an appropriate Chewing toy

One of the best ways to manage your dog’s chewing habit is by providing them with appropriate chew toys. Puppies need to chew to relieve teething pain and satisfy their natural urge to chew. Providing appropriate chew toys, such as Kong toys, rope toys, and chew bones can redirect their chewing behavior to appropriate objects. 

When selecting chewing toys, pay attention to their quality.

Some chewing toys are not appropriate for your puppy. Sometimes plastic chewing toys are not strong. When a puppy chews it, it may be broken, and plastic particles may enter your puppy’s stomach. As you know, plastic is not good for eating.

You can provide an appropriate chewing toy for your puppy to enjoy.

Provide Plenty of Exercise and Stimulation

Puppies need proper exercise and stimulation to stay healthy and happy. When a dog doesn’t get enough exercise or stimulation, it may turn to destructive behavior such as chewing. Puzzle toys and interactive games are excellent ways to provide mental stimulation.

Consistent training

Consistency is key when it comes to managing your puppy’s chewing behavior. Use positive reinforcement techniques to reward your puppy for appropriate chewing behavior, and consistently redirect them to appropriate chew toys when necessary.

Do not use harmful chewing toys.

Pork or chicken bones are not good for chewing. They can splinter in the stomach or cause a number of digestive problems. Give bones that are too large to swallow. Also, as a rule, pig’s feet, hooves, and any other half-digested treat are not good for the puppy either.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for managing your puppy’s behavior. When your puppy chews on an appropriate item, such as a chew toy, you should reward them with praise, treats, or toys. This positive reinforcement will encourage your puppy to continue the desired behavior and reduce the likelihood of destructive chewing.

Seek Professional Help

If your puppy’s chewing habit is causing significant damage or if you’re struggling to manage their behavior, you should seek professional help. A certified dog trainer or a veterinarian can provide you with personalized advice and training techniques to help manage your puppy’s chewing habit.

In conclusion, managing your puppy’s chewing habit at home is essential for their health and well-being.

You can manage your puppy’s chewing habit by providing appropriate chew toys, limiting access to forbidden items, providing plenty of exercise and stimulation, using positive reinforcement, redirecting unwanted chewing, and seeking professional help when needed.


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